12 June 2019

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

15:00 Running Clock

Death By Strict Pullups
Post total amount of Pullups completed


Chest to Bar

I would strongly suggest selecting a scale that allows you the ability to get 5-10 in a fresh state.

You will start with 1 pullup on the first minute, 2 pullups on the second min, 3 on the third,…. Once you are unable to continue, start back at 1 on the following minute and work your way back up in the time remaining. If you are using a band you must pause at the bottom of each rep, do not rely on elasticity of the band to bounce back up there.

Metcon (Calories)

4 Rounds NFT

:30 Bike Max Cal

20 Wtd Situps (feet anchored)

1:00 Front Rack Carry
Post TOTAL cals on the bike (sum of 4 rounds)

This should be an all out sprint. Push hard.

Categories: WOD

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