01 December 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Metcon (9 Rounds for time)

On A Running Clock


200/160m Row

10 Hang Power Cleans


200/160m Row

10 Toes-To-Bar


200/160m Row

15 Wall Balls


400/320m Row

15 Hang Power Cleans


400/320m Row

15 Toes-To-Bar


400/320m Row

20 Wall Balls


800/640m Row

20 Hang Power Cleans


800/640m Row

20 Toes-To-Bar


800/640m Row

25 Wall Balls
Record time of completion for EACH block

(Entering in 9 Times)

Cardio Wednesday!!!!! Notice why we havent had any rowing this week so far? Now you know why. Come ready to get after this one, gotta dive into quick since we need 42 minutes! Good luck!

Categories: WOD

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