CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 x
Bike x 1:00
Adductor Stretch x :60/side
90/90 Hip Rotations x 10
2 x
Split Squat Hold x :15/Side
Air Squat x 10
Glute Bridge x 10
Back Rack Lunge (3 x 5/Leg)
Record weight used
(Minimum of 2 heavy sets)
Refer back to last week (1/26), we did sets of 4. Goal should be to handle at least the same weight you did last week for 4s. Remember these are non-alternating reverse lunges.
Metcon (Time)
For Time
3 Rounds
6/6 Hang DB Snatch
5 Chest to Bar Pullups
7/5 Cal Bike Sprint
1:00 Rest
3 Rounds
12 Goblet Squat
5 Chest to Bar Pullups
7/5 Cal Bike Sprint
1:00 Rest
Record total time
(when you finish 3rd round on second piece)
The kicker today is the bike SPRINT. Plan on pushing the pace for about :20-:30.