CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
1:00 Foam Roll/Lax Ball – Glute/Hamstrings
10-15 Banded Hamstring Curls
1:00 Easy Pace Row
2 Rounds
Band Assisted Leg Lowering x 8/Leg
Plank x :30
Metcon (6 Rounds for calories)
Every 6:00 x 6 Rounds
Min 0-2: Row x Calories
Min 2-4: Bike x Calories
Min 4-6: Rest….thats right REST
Record Sum of your calories each round (with breakdown in the notes section)
There is only one more day left in this cardio cycle after today.
But for today the goal is simple….look back to your last time you participated in one of these days and try to bump another 2 cals for each round (adding one to each the bike and the row). Minutes 4-6 are yours to recover. The kicker is you must increase cals each round and there is an additional round (6th) to make it through.
Refer to:
Fight the urge to cherry pick. See you in class!