02 March 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

T-Spine Extension x 10

Cat/Cow x 10

Lat Stretch x :30

Single Arm Circle x 5/Side or PVC Pass Through x 10


2 Rounds

Hang High Pull x 5

Hang Muscle Snatch x 5

BTN Push Jerk (Snatch Grip) x 5


Hang Power Snatch (8 x 2 Building)

Record heaviest weight

Follow Structure:

Every 1:30 x 8 Sets

2 Hang Power Snatch


1 Overhead Squat (Deep as you can maintain proper postion)


Metcon (Time)

For Tine

5 Rounds

15/12 Cal Row

10 Barbell Push Press

4 Single Arm Devil Press (2/arm)
Record total time

The devil press variation is another great twist, and something you very well could see in the open (which starts next week!). Not hitting a ton of them, just throwing a coulple at you.

Also for those of you who can know out some handstand push-ups, I would sub those in place of push press. They should still be unbroken, probably somewhere in the 5-8 rep range.

Categories: WOD

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