02 November 2020

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

:30 Lat Stretch

6 T-Spine Ext

3 T-Spine Rotation


2 Rounds

10/8 Cal Row


6 Hang Power Clean

3 Push Jerk


Power Clean + Jerk (1 x 3)

Record top end weight

Build to a weight you can hold on to for a TnG triple. Also this will give you better idea of what you should be using for the metcon


Metcon (2 Rounds for time)


3 Rounds

15/12 Cal Row

7 Clean and Jerks

5 Chest to Bar


3 Rounds

15/12 Cal Row

7 Clean and Jerks

5 Chest to Bar
Record your time for each triplet

“Round 1” = 1st Triplet Time

“Round 2″= 2nd Triplet Time

(Post Clean and Jerk weight in the notes)

Categories: WOD

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