CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
T-Spine Extension x 10
T-Spine Rotation x 5/side
PVC Shoulder Ext Rotation x :30/side
3 Rounds
6 Hang Power Clean
4 Shoulder to OH
*First Round – Strict Press
**Second Round – Push Press
***Third Round – Push Jerk
Power Clean (1 x 3)
Record heaviest 3-rep
Take your time working up to a heavy threes rep. This should be a touch and go if you are comfortable with it
Metcon (Time)
Every 5 min x 5 Rounds
150m Run
10 Lateral Burpees
6 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk
Record slowest round
This is a variation based off of 9/11/20. Eveyone who made it to class should plan to increase barbell weight 5-10lbs.