02 Spetember 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Front Squat (1 x 1)

Record heavy single


This will be reiterated at the beginning of class, but as far as establishing your front squat heavy single, this needs to be as close to a perfect rep as you can execute. We are going to use this number for the following 8 weeks for our percentage work. If you base this off of a poorly executed squat (depth, tipping forward, coming on toes, etc), the percentages will not work at the end of this program.


Metcon (Time)

For Time

30 Thrusters

30 Front Squats

30 Shoulder to Overhead

**EMOM 3 Burpees**
Record total time

Light barbell today for most of you. Can’t be afraid to extend sets a bit on this one. It’s smooth sailing once you get through the thrusters. Good luck

Categories: WOD

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