CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Skill Work
Metcon (No Measure)
Muscle Up Practice (15min)
Advanced Athletes:
After warming up, complete 8-12 min EMOM, striving to hit 1-4 reps each minute. Most should be getting comfortable on the rings.
Intermediate Athletes:
TRANSITIONS is the where most need to be focusing. The turnover phase which brings you on top of the bar/rings. You will also benefit from working on the strength aspect (see below)
Beginner Athletes:
Work towards building the strength to execute the movemet. This will be a strict pullup (bar or ring), pulling youself as high as possible. As well as a dip with as full a range of motion as possible(there are many scales out there). Try to accumlate 3-5 sets of both movements during this time.
Metcon (5 Rounds for weight)
2:00 Work / 2:00 Rest x 5
18/14 Cal Row
6 Deadlifts (Building)
Record weight EACH round
Start at 155/105
Start at 225/155
Gotta hold a good pace to get through work in 2:00 minutes.