CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
For Time
32/23 Cal Bike
35 Situps
30 Double Unders
25 Wall Balls
200m Run
15/12 Cal Row
10 Toes to Bar
35 Situps
30 Double Unders
25 Wall Balls
200m Run
15/12 Cal Row
10 Toes to Bar
30 Double Unders
25 Wall Balls
200m Run
15/12 Cal Row
10 Toes to Bar
25 Wall Balls
200m Run
15/12 Cal Row
10 Toes to Bar
200m Run
15/12 Cal Row
10 Toes to Bar
15/12 Cal Row
10 Toes to Bar
10 Toes to Bar
Record total time
Everyone should be familiar with this structure. We can make some modifications if necessary if your hands are a little beat up or sore from monday/tuesday this week. Remember the goal for today is setting a pace and keeping your heart rate up for 30-40min.
Cardio Wednesday!