CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
:30-1:00 Calf Stretch
8 Bear Crawl Rock Backs
2 Rounds
10 Front Squats
5 Strict Pullups
Front Squat (4 x 5)
Record heaviest weight used
Refer to 7/21 and Aim for slightly heavier. You may build if you need to but make sure your first set isnt too light.
Metcon (Time)
Every 5:00 x 4 Rounds
16 Goblet Squat (single DB)
12 Alt DB Snatch
8 Chest To Bar
Score is your slowest round
Everyone needs to be hitting great depth on these goblet squats.
At Home Workout
Metcon (Time)
No Equipment
For Time:
800m Run
40 Up-Downs
600m Run
30 Up-Downs
400m Run
20 Up-Downs
200m Run
10 Up-Downs
Minimal Equipment
For Time:
800m Run
80 Jumps Over DB
600m Run
60 Jumps Over DB
400m Run
40 Jumps Over DB
200m Run
20 Jumps Over DB*
• Turn the DB straight up to increase the height of jump.
Warm Up
“Modified Hinshaw Warm-up”
2x through
*Perform 2 inchworm + push-up after each 30′ section*
30′ walk on toes
30′ yd walk on toes backwards
30′ walk on heels
30′ walk feet turned out
30′ walk feet turned in
30′ lunge steps w/ arms stretched overhead
30′ heel toe hamstring stretch
30′ high knees
30′ butt kickers