05 August 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Back Squat

Record final set

Set 1: x 8 @65%

Set 2: x 6 @70%

Set 3: x 6 @75%

Set 4: x 6 @80%

*If you retested earlier this week and improved, use your new 2-rep numbers today. If you did not retest, refer back to 7/12 and see if you can build from off your performance.

I know we hit some solid wall ball volume for our cardio work, today should not be incredibly demanding on your working sets.


Metcon (Weight)

Every 4:00 x 4 Rounds

8 DB Step-Ups/Leg

8 KB Row/Arm

16 Russian Twist
Record weight used for step ups

Categories: WOD

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