05 September 2020

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

:30 Calf Stretch/Side

:30 Spiderman Lunge Hold


2 Rounds

10 Air Squats

10 Kip Swings


Metcon (Time)

Team Workout

Buy In:

50 Cal Bike (f/f -30, f/m-40)


10 Rounds (5/each)

12 Goblet Squat

10 Pullups

**While one partner completes the squats and pullups, the other partner will run one lap around the building**


Buy Out:

50 Cal Bike (f/f-30, f/m-40)
Post total time

There will be some rest built in, once you finish the pullups, you will wait for your partner to finish the run before switching

At Home Workout

Metcon (Time)

“Bodyweight DT”

5 Rounds:

15 Toe-touch to Jump

12 Jumping Air Squats

9 Hand Release Push-ups

“Backpack DT”

5 Rounds:

15 Backpack Deadlifts

12 Backpack Hang Squat Cleans

9 Backpack Shoulder to Overhead

Minimal Equipment

“Dumbbell Squat DT”

5 Rounds:

12 Double DB Deadlift

9 Double DB Hang Squat Cleans

6 Double DB Push Jerks
Warm Up


10 Bodyweight Good Mornings

10 Air Squats

10 Arm Circles Forward and Backwards

Categories: WOD

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