CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
1:00 Couch Stretch/Side
2 Rounds
10 Side Lying Hip Circles
10 90/90 Hip Rotations
10 Lateral Lunges
*each move is 5/side. Done VERY slowly
Metcon (Calories)
Work 1:00 / Rest 1:00 x 5
Row x Max Cals
Record total calories (sum of 5 rounds)
**1:00 Rest Bewteen Stations**
Today we have a 32:00 running clock. Just meant to move and break a sweat. Needless to say this is not “all out max effort” each round. Not looking for earth shattering scores, just simply settle into pace and maintain it. Dont cherry pick today! Come out and get to work.
Specific to the row:
work on proper stroke patterning (driving through hips, not relying so much on knee extension).
Metcon (Calories)
Work 1:00 / Rest 1:00 x 5
Bike x Max Cals
Record total calories (sum of 5 rounds)
**1:00 Rest Between Stations**
Specific to Bike:
Work on BREATHING. Look at watts in the lower left hand corner and try to find a number that you can hold for the entire minute.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Work 1:00 / Rest 1:00 x 5
KBS x 10
Box Step Ups x 10 (24/20)
Pushups x 10/6
Record total rounds + reps (pick up where you left off each round)
**1:00 Rest Between Stations**
Specific the AMRAP:
Make this a little more challenging by completing weighted step ups with your KB. Make sure to touch your chest to a TARGET (abmat, floor, bar in the rack, etc), it needs to touch something each rep.
At Home Workout
Metcon (Time)
No Equipment
6 Rounds:
45 Jumping Jacks/Mountain Climbers*
15 Squat Jumps
*On rounds 1,3,5 perform Jumping Jacks and on rounds 2,4,6 perform mountain climbers.
Minimal Equipment
7 Rounds:
45 Double Unders
18 DB Hang Power Snatch
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
1:00 Single Unders Or Jumping Jacks
10 Inchworms
10 Reverse Lunges / Side