07 February 2019

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Metcon (6 Rounds for weight)

6 Rounds NFT

A)Prower x 32 yds (215/165)

B)3 Position Power Snatch Complex

-Hang Mid Thigh

-Hang Below Knee


C)Overhead Squat x 3 (TEMPO)

D)Anti-Rotation Hold x :30/side
Post weight used on EACH round


Grab posts halfway down or lower on prowler

Giant superset to work through today. No need to sprint through, in fact I really want everyone to focus on the snatch and ohs portion. Strive for perfection. Unless you have been absent all week and looking to kill it, ladies should stay between 55lb-95lb and guys between 75lb-135lbs. You may adjust as you go.

Categories: WOD

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