08 March 2022

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round

Band Assisted Leg Lowering x 10

Couch Stretch x :60/side

90/90 Hip Rotations x 10

Glute Bridges x 10

As a Class

Every 3:00 x 3 Rounds

Bike x 9/6

Double DB/KB RDL x 8

Farmers Carry x 50′


Deadlift (1 x 6)

Build to heavy 6-Rep

Using percentages for part B today. Please make sure to base numbers off of a quality set of 6. This should be touch and go if you are comfortable with it.

We have hit sets of 8 over the last two weeks.


Metcon (Time)

For Time

10 Deadlifts @80%

10 Alt Reverse Lunges (5/5)

15/11 Cal Bike

2:00 Rest

20 Deadlifts @65%

20 Alt Reverse Lunges (10/10)

15/11 Cal Bike

2:00 Rest

30 Deadlifts @55%

30 Alt Reverse Lunges (15/15)

15/11 Cal Bike
Record total time

(include rest in score)

(post deadlift weights in notes)

Percentages based off of Part A performance

Categories: WOD

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