CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
T-Spine Extension x 10
Cat/Cow x 10
Lat Stretch x :30
Single Arm Circle x 5/Side or PVC Pass Through x 10
2 Rounds
Hang High Pull x 5
Hang Muscle Snatch x 5
BTN Push Jerk (Snatch Grip) x 5
Hang Power Snatch (5 x 5 )
Record weight used
This needs to be LIGHT. This should be looked at as upper back accessory work. Thinking 75-95 for guys and 55-75 for ladies.
Follow structure:
Every 2:30 x 5 Rounds
Row 200/180m
Hang Power Snatch x 5
**If you are a stronger rower, you should be hitting 250/200m on the rower. Still should be done under 1:00 each round**
Metcon (Time)
For Time
Kettlebell Swings
Pullup x 14
Double Unders x 30
Kettlebell Swing
Pushup x 16/12
Double Unders x 30
Record total time
The ascending and descending reps only apply to the swings. All other movements have fixed reps for each round.