09 October 2020

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

:30 Foam Roll Hamstrings/Glutes

:30 Hamstring Stretch


2 Rounds

1:00 Easy Pace Row

10 Empty Bar Front Squat

10 Empty Bar Push Press


Metcon (6 Rounds for calories)

Every 6:00 x 6 Rounds

Min 0-2: Row x Calories

Min 2-4: Bike x Calories

Min 4-6: Thruster x 10
Record Sum of your calories each round (with breakdown in the notes)

This is the FINAL DAY!!

Refer back to 10/01 if you were in class, you will need to maintain total calories without having the two minutes rest at the end of each round, instead you will have to complete 10 thrusters. Weight should be light-moderate. Need everyone to hit 10 unbroken reps each round. I KNOW you all have this in you….doesn’t mean it will be easy.

Refer to






Fight the urge to cherry pick. See you in class!

Categories: WOD

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