10 December 2019

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


Min 1: Bike 10/6

Min 2: 8 RDL

Min 3: 5 Push Press
Adjust weight as needed. Remember this is just a warm up.


Deadlift (See Description)

Record heaviest weight

Working Sets

X 6 (62.5%)

X 5 (72.5%)

X 4 (82.5%)

X 1 (92.5%)


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

AMRAP 1:30 / 3:00 Rest x 3 Rounds

Thruster/Push Press Ladder (75/55)

Every time the clock starts you begin with 1 Thruster, followed by 1 Thruster + 1 Push Press, then 1 Thruster + 2 Push Press, 1 Thruster + 3 Push Press……
Record total reps completed EACH round (thrusters + push presses)

*You may break whenever you like and put the bar down.

**I know we might have some sore quads today, dont be fooled, this is a push press workout. Thrusters will not be the hardest part of this workout.

Categories: WOD

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