CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Hip Thrust (4 x 10)
Focus on feeling your GLUTES work to extend your hips. Hold a pause in the top position for each rep.
Record weight used
Great drill for EVERYONE to do. Especially some of you who tend to be tight in the lower back (superset these with some solid hamstring stretches). You may elevate your back or lay on the floor for these.
Superset w/
:60 Plank Hold
(Plenty of ways to make these easier or harder)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Row x 15/12
Handstand Push-up x 8/5
Bike x 12/8
Wall Ball x 15
Record rounds + reps
**Supposed to be real nice weather tomorrow, if you would like, either the row or bike may be substituted for a 200m run (for you crazies).