10 November 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Metcon (Time)

For Time

500m Row

35 Situps

30 Double Unders

25 Wall Balls

20 Hang Power Cleans

12/8 Cal Bike

5 Strict Pullups

35 Situps

30 Double Unders

25 Wall Balls

20 Hang Power Cleans

12/8 Cal Bike

5 Strict Pullups

30 Double Unders

25 Wall Balls

20 Hang Power Cleans

12/8 Cal Bike

5 Strict Pullups

25 Wall Balls

20 Hang Power Cleans

12/8 Cal Bike

5 Strict Pullups

20 Hang Power Cleans

12/8 Cal Bike

5 Strict Pullups

12/8 Cal Bike

5 Strict Pullups

5 Strict Pullups
Record total time

Refer back to 6/30/21. Only change is finishing each round with strict pull-ups instead of toes to bar. Should be shooting to beat your scores.

Cardio Wednesday is back!!!!!! Contain your excitement.

Categories: WOD

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