11 January 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

Hip Adductor Stretch x :30/side

Sumo Squat Hold x :30


2 Rounds

Rev Lunge x 10

Strict Pullup x 4-8


Metcon (Weight)

3 Rounds NFT

12 Lateral Lunges

12 Heavy KB Swings

12 DB Rows/Arm
Record weight used for DB Row

(Any detail for lateral lunge – weight, assisted, etc)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Rounds

2:30 Work / 1:30 Rest

Bike x 15/10 Cal Bike

Front Squat x 5

Max Pull-ups (Time Remaining)
Record total pull-ups

Front squats should be 80-85% of your heaviest 5-rep (which most of you should have). If not we will work off of what you have, or use the beginning of class to establish some numbers.

Categories: WOD

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