11 November 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Deadlift (1 x 5)

Build to a heavy 5-Rep

We will be hitting deadlifts again next week for a max in our final prep day before beginning our next cycle.


Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)


Min 1) Row x :40 (Max Cal)

Min 2) Max DB Bench/Pushup

Min 3) Hip Thrust x 12

Min 4) Rest

Min 5) Rest
Record total row calories (round 1) and total bench/pushups (round 2)

Refer back to 11/4/21 to figure out hip thrust weight.

Also if your hitting DB Bench today for the workout, everyone should try to increase 5lbs on your DB weight from where you have been working.

Categories: WOD

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