12 April 2022

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round

Quadruped Rockback x 10

Adductor Stretch x :30 Side

Spiderman Lunge w/reach x 5/side

Squat to Stand x 5


Min 1) Row x 12/10

Min 2) Wall Ball x 12

Min 3) Plank x :40


Back Squat (4 x 2 @85%)

Record weight used

*Refer back to 4/5/22 (80%)

**Superset w/

DB Pullovers x 10

As always when we are going heavy, please make sure to be on time to class to guarantee you have time to warm-up properly.


Metcon (Time)

For Time

4 Rounds

20/16 Cal Row

10 Pullups

15/10 HR Pushups
Record total time

Refer back to 4/4/22. We did 5 sets of 8 on pull-ups, this should be a similar scale depending on what you did for last week’s workout.

Categories: WOD

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