CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Handstand Push-ups (See Description)
Post TOTAL reps completed (looking for consistency)
If you did this when we did it back in December/Janury (12/14/18 and 1/11/19), build on it. Hoping everyone can end up with a few more reps completed at the end of the 12 minutes.
Scaled: 1-2 Wall Walks
RX: 1-5 HSPU
RX+: 1-5 Deficit HSPU
Quality > Quantity
Make this your own. You may complete RX or RX+ with kipping or strict reps. Don’t want too much over 5 reps each minute just so we keep volume under control. Make reps more challenging by controlling your descent, this is not for time, so don’t slop through it.
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds For Time
12 Pullups
6 Squat Snatch (95/65)
Record TOTAL time