CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 Round
Hamstring Stretch x :60
Active Leg Raise x 10/Side
Lat Stretch x :60
Cat/Cow x 10
2 Rounds
KB RDL x 10
Reverse Lunge x 6/Side
Pull Apart x 12
Deadlift (4 x 4 Building)
Record heaviest set
Refer back to 5/5 (sets of 3). Continue to focus on hitting singles (atleast during warm-ups), making sure to get rigid and take the slack out of the bar each rep.
Again a reminder that we have only hit one other day recently at relatively high percentages. Some of your normal top end weights may feel a little heavier then normal.
Metcon (Time)
For Time
6 Rounds
8/6 Cal Bike
10 KBS
12-2 Pullups (decrease by 2 each round)
Record total time