15 February 2022

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

Bike x 1:00

Inchworm x 6

Glute Bridge x 12


Metcon (Weight)

3 Rounds

Single Leg RDL x 8/Leg

Band Resisted Deadbug x 8/Leg
Record weight used

Use this piece as a prep before deadlifting today. Be as slow and controlled and possible on both movements.

Metcon (Calories)

7 Rounds

2:00 On/ 1:00 Off

:30 Plank

4 Deadlifts @80%

Max Cal Bike (Time Remaining)
Record total bike cals

(post deadlift weight in notes)

Would like to see the same weight across for the deadlift. Make sure to get adequate build up sets as you work your way up. Remember to prioritize MAXIMAL glue tension on the planks. Looking for sustained output on the bike, most will have about a minute on the end of each round.

Categories: WOD

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