15 May 2019

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

Murph Prep

On Running Clock:


4 Rounds Cindy

Immediately into

:30 work/:30 rest

Recovery Row


4 Rounds Cindy

Immediately into

:30 work/:30 rest

Recovery Row


4 Rounds Cindy

Immediately into

800m Run
“Round 1 Time” = First 4 rounds of cindy

“Round 2 Time” = Second 4 rounds of cindy

“Round 3 Time” = Third 4 rounds of cindy

**Post Run time in notes**


3 Rounds

10 Pullups

20 Pushups

30 Air Squats

w/ weight vest

Lots going on today, for starters this is a total of 12 rounds of cindy (we have done 10 recently in the past and I know it left people sore) we do need to continue to push volume if you plan on completing murph rx. Also most murph prep days we run first, when in reality it is the final run that is obviously the real battle, so today will give a you little taste. As far as the row, this is simply to keep moving, super easy pace, you may alternate with a partner or just regulate work/rest on your own. You aren’t recording anything for the row so don’t freak out if you aren’t on the money with your work:rest ratio

Categories: WOD

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