CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Foam Roll – Lats/Thoracic Spine
2 Rounds
10 PVC Pass Throughs
:30 PVC Shoulder External Rotation
2 Rounds
10 Pull Aparts
10 Push Jerk (emphasizing the “re-dip” position)
Push Jerk (6 x 3)
Record heaviest weight used
For most, take your heaviest weight you have push pressed over the last few weeks and practice with timing of push jerk today.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 Clean and Jerks
6 Chest to Bar
20 Alt Rev Lunges
Post total rounds + reps
At Home Workout
Metcon (Time)
Minimal Equipment:
For Time:
100 DB Push Press*
Every time you break perform 10 single arm DB cleans each arm.
No Equipment:
For Time:
100 Ground-to-Overhead with a Backpack or Odd Object*
*Every time you break perform 10 Sit-ups and 20 Flutter Kicks. Start the workout with 10 Sit-ups and 20 Flutter Kicks.
Warm Up:
4 Sets:
10 Windmills Forward and Backward
10 Seated Wall Slides
:30 Alternating Scorpion Stretch
10 Scap Push-ups