18 June 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

PVC Pass Throughs x 10

Hip Circles x 5/Side

2 Rounds

Pushup (3) into Down Dog (:05) x 3

Reverse Lunge x 12 (bodyweight/light DB)


Metcon (Weight)

4 Sets

Landmine Press x 8/Arm

Landmine Row x 10/Arm

Landmine Rotations x 6/Side
Record weight on your press

Some quality unilateral push/pull work with some midline stability work to start class today. Feel free to adjust weights as you move through your four rounds.


Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

Every 3:00 x 6 Rounds

Toes to Bar x 10

Alt Rev Lunge x 20 (10/Leg)

Double Unders x 40
Record time for each round

Going to have to keep a good pace each round in order to have some rest before starting the next one.

Categories: WOD

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