18 November 2020

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round

10 TSpine Ext (:03 Hold)

6 Spiderman Lunge With Rotation (:05 Hold)

6 Cobra–>Childs Pose (:05 Hold)


2 Rounds

Row 200m

12 Duck Walk Steps

10 Goblet squats

8 Burpees to Target


Power Clean (5@75%, 4@80%, 3@85%, 2@90%)

Record 90% set

All to be performed singles. Drop, reset, and focus on good execution on each rep


Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

2:00 Work / 2:00 Rest x 4

15/12 Cal Row

6 Power Cleans

Max Lateral Burpees
Score is burpees each round

This is a repeat from 8/31/2020. Refer back and if you scored on over 40 burpees (10/rd), I want you to increase your power clean weight by 5-10lbs for this go around.

Categories: WOD

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