20 April 2022

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round:

:60 Foam Roll T-Spine/Mid Back

:60 Foam Roll Lats

2 Rounds

Banded Pulldowns x 10

DB/Plate Pullover x 10

DeadBug x 20


Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

Every 5:00 x 4 Rounds

Bike x 15/11

DB Bench x 10+ (:03 Negative)

Double Under x 40

Strict Pullup x 8+
Record two scores for today:

“Round 1″= Total DB Bench Reps (weight in the notes)

“Round 2″= Total Pullups (specific details to the pullups in notes)

Controlling tempo and focusing on some standard upper body strength training today.

Metcon (Weight)

Superset two of the following for three rounds:

-Hip Thrusts x 10

-Curtsey Step-ups x 8/Leg

-Chest Supported DB Row x 10

-Incline Leg Raises x 15

-Weighted Situps x 15
Choose two of the movements to superset for 3 Sets.

Categories: WOD

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