20 January 2022

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

2 Rounds (24 min Total)


Min 1) Row x 12/10

Min 2) Handstand Pushup x 4-6


Min 1) Double Under x 40

Min 2) Strict Pullup x 4-6
Round 1 = Total HSPU

Round 2 = Total Pullups

Strength/Skill work to kick off class today. We will take a few minutes at the beginning of class working on handstand progressions as well.

Metcon (Weight)

3-4 Rounds

Weighted Situps x 15

Chest Supported Row x 10-15
Record weight used for rows

(and total reps in notes)

Accessory finisher today. Working on midline and postural muscles.

Categories: WOD

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