CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


The gym is open again! Join us for an in-person, indoor class at the gym at 6:30am, Noon, or 5:30pm on weekdays and at 9am on Saturdays. There is a 15 person cap on each of these classes, so please be sure to sign in as soon as you know you’re coming. We have left the “At-Home Workout” sign-in available on Wodify in case you’d like to do the workout at home and still log your score.

We can’t wait to see you!


Warm-up (No Measure)

100 Single Unders or 75 Jumping Jacks

:60 March in Place or High Knees

50 Single Unders or 30 Jumping Jacks

:30 March in Place or High Knees


Spend 2:00 stretching your calves and ankles


Metcon (Time)

Cash in 400 M Run

25 Deadlift

25 Hang Power Clean

25 Front Squat

25 Shoulder to Overhead

Cash out 400 M Run

****5 Burpees Every Minute****
Use barbell or dumb bell, moderate weight.

Categories: WOD

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