21 August 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Metcon (Time)

Partner Wod

Teams of 2

For Time

200m Team Run

20 Lateral Burpees

200m Team Run

30 Pullups

20 Lateral Burpees

200m Team Run

40 Shoulder to Overhead

30 Pullups

20 Lateral Burpees

200m Team Run

50/40 Cal Row

40 Shoulder to Overhead

30 Pullups

20 Lateral Burpees

200m Team Run

60 Wall Balls

50/40 Cal Row

40 Shoulder to Overhead

30 Pullups

20 Lateral Burpees

200m Team Run
Record total time

Complete the run as a team. All other reps can be split however you like.

Good luck!

Categories: WOD

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