21 February 2022

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round

Band Assisted Leg Lowering x 10/Leg

90/90 Rotations x 10

Inchworms x 10

Plank x 1:00

(As a Class)


Min 1: Row x 10/8

Min 2: Kettlebell RDL x 8 / KBS x 15

Min 3: Pushup x 10/6
Use KB RDL for first two rounds and then move to KBS on final two


Deadlift (3 x 8 Building)

Record heaviest set

Start your first working set around 65-70% and add as you see fit. Goal should be to stay unbroken on these.


Metcon (Weight)

Every 3:00 x 5 Rounds

6 Power Cleans

:30 Front Rack Hold

250/200m Row
Record weight used

Throwing in some upper back/midsection work with the front rack hold in this piece today. Make sure to practice a couple shorter holds before diving into this one, :30 seconds will feel very long in the later rounds.

Categories: WOD

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