CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Power Clean (5 x 3 (Building))
Record heaviest set
Sets should be TnG if you feel comfortable
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 x AMRAP 5 (3:00 Rest)
Buy in: 20/15 Cal Bike
Max Rounds of “The Chief” (Time Remaining)
“The Chief”
3 Power Cleans
6 Pushups
9 Air Squats
Post total reps for EACH AMRAP (do not count buy in bike)
First AMRAP @60% part A
Second AMRAP @70%
Third AMRAP @80%
25/20 Cal Bike
Sidenote, I know many had some hand rip issues from 20.2, make sure you are taking care of your hands this week. We will definitely be seeing some variation of pullups in the open soon.