23 November 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

Bike x 1:00

Banded Hanstring Stretch x :30

Glute Bridge x 10

3 Rounds

BB RDL (Building) x 6

Plank x :30


Deadlift (4 x 5 @75%)

Record weight used

Refer back to 11/18/21. You should be working off of your heavy 2-rep from that day. If you were not ik class, use today to work up to a 2-rep and post.

These should be singles (w/proper set up) or controlled touch and go reps for each set.


Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

2 Rounds


Bike x 12/9

KBS x 15

1:00 Rest


6 Front Squat

6 Bar Facing Burpee

1:00 Rest
Record total reps for each AMRAP (4 scores)

Pace like a 12:00 workout, not a 3:00 AMRAP.

Front squat weight shoukd be a “heavier” thruster weight for most. Defintely should be able to hit all 6 reps each set. Also if KBS tends to be problematic, slow down for some heavy KB RDLs for a set of 10 each round.

Categories: WOD

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