CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
Couch Stretch x :30 /Side
Pigeon Stretch x :30 Side
Hip Circles x 5/Side (Slow)
2 Rounds
Air Squats x 12
Ring Rows x 12
Metcon (5 Rounds for calories)
Every 6:00 x 5 Rounds
Min 0-2: Row x Calories
Min 2-4: Bike x Calories
Min 4-6: DB Snatch x 16 (8/Arm)
Record Sum of your calories each round (with breakdown in the notes section)
Everyone’s favorite day!!
We don’t have many left to wrap up this cycle. Everyone has been doing very well with progressing calories each week (remember you do NOT have to keep your row/bike under a min). Today the focus will be on maintaining the same calorie count if you were here last week, the kicker is that your 3rd movement will eat up a bit more time then it did last week. No cherry picking. Who is going to get better?