24 August 2020

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

6 Inch Worms

12 Kettlebell Swings

8 Goblet Squats

:15-:30 Handstand Hold


Front Squat (4 x 3)

Record weight used

Refer to 7/28 and 7/16 (previous 3 rep Front Squat days)


Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

2 x AMRAP 6 (3:00 Rest)

8 Hang Squat Cleans

8 Lateral Burpee

6/3 Handstand Pushup
Record total reps for each AMRAP (you will be recording two scores)

At Home Workout

Metcon (Time)

No Equipment

For Time:


Good Morning + Jump

Strict Burpee*

Air Squats

Reverse Lunges

*Burpee with an actual, beautiful, incredible push-up.

Minimal Equipment

For Time:


DB Power Clean

Push-ups On DB

DB Front Squat

DB Floor Press*

If you only have a single DB perform 21 reps on one arm and then 21 reps on the opposite arm. Do the same for the round of 15 and 9.
Warm Up

3 Sets:

10 Two Handed Single DB Deadlift*

10 Wall Squats**

10 Alternating T Stab

*Use odd object as needed.

**3 seconds down and 1 second stand.

Categories: WOD

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