CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Front Squat (4 x 3, 1 x ME @80%)
Record results of the ME set (weight and reps)
All sets should be performed @80% control every aspect of the squat
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Rounds NFT
Max Unbroken Strict Pullups
20 DB Walking Lunges
Record Total Pullups
(Post weight held on lunges in comments)
Beat last week’s pullup numbers (6/21/19).
Also you may load the lunges however you like, front rack or by your side. Use last weeks workout to be a guage for you. The goal should be to stay unbroken on lunges. If you were able to hit all 4 sets last week, then go heavier this week. But regardless, do something better today then you did last week.