28 April 2022

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round:

:60 Foam Roll T-Spine/Mid Back

:60 Foam Roll Lats

Cat/Cow x 10

3 Sets

-Pull Aparts x 12

-Tricep Pushdown x 12

-Hanging Leg Raise x 6


Bench Press (1 x 6)

Record heaviest set

Most of you should have a recent 5-rep that you should be looking to hit for a set of 6.


Metcon (Calories)


Min 1) Bike x Max Cal

Min 2) Rest

Min 3) Double DB Tempo Z-Press x 6 + Wall Ball x 15

Min 4) Rest
Record total bike calories

(and details of z-press in notes)

Categories: WOD

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