CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 Rounds
Bike x 1:00
Cat/Cow x 10
90/90 Hip Rotations x 10
2 Rounds
Wall Slides x 6
Inchworm x 6
Bar Hang x :20
2 Rounds
Hang High Pull (Mid Thigh) x 4
High Pull (Mid Shin) x 4
Power Snatch Balance x 4
Metcon (Weight)
Every 4:00 x 8 Rounds
8/6 Cal Bike
1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Power Snatch
8 Toes to Bar
1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Power Snatch
Record final barbell weight at the end of workout
(Post weight jumps in notes)
Use today to practice bar path on the power snatch. You do not need to hold on to the barbell, you may drop and reset for each rep. You may increase weight between round. Do not feel obligated to make jumps every round, just as you see fit. Make sure to start LIGHT, remeber this should be practiced and perfected just like any other skill.
*For those who are brand new, you may want to consider all reps from the hang today.