CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
Bike x :30
Glute Bridge x 10
Active Bar Hang x :20
2 Rounds
RDL x 8
Hang Power Clean x 8
Strict Press x 8
Power Clean (5 x 5 Building)
Record heaviest weight used
(Total Bike cals in notes)
Follow Structure:
5 Rounds:
Min. 1) 5 Power Clean
Min. 2) :30 Cal Assault Bike Sprint
Min. 3) 12 Toes-To-Bar
Min. 4) 60 Double Unders
Min. 5) Rest
Not going to be a huge weight since you still need to knock out 5 reps in the minute. Adjust bar diring rest period.
Metcon (Weight)
For Quality
3 Rounds
Strict Press x 6-8 (Hard Set)
DB Row x 10/Arm
Record best set of strict press
Regardless of weight you use, execute as many reps as you can. If you hit more then 8 reps, bump up the weight for the next set.