CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Power Clean (7 x 2 (90%))
Post weight used
This is just a continuation of what we have been working towards. Since we are really getting into high %’s you are not going to be going off the clock, although try to keep rest to about 1:00 between sets. Remember these do not need to be touch an go, just don’t take forever between reps.
Back Squat (3 x 6-8 @ 70%)
Post weight used
If you have way more in the tank, hit the last set for as many as possible and post in the comments. Remember to really focus on tempo here.
Metcon (Time)
For Time
25/18 Cal Bike
20 Burpees to Target
30/24 Cal Row
Post total time
This is almost an all out effort. Nothing should make you stop here, keep moving. Empty the tank when you get to the rower.