29 April 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

On A Running Clock…..


3 Rounds

20/16 Cal Row

10 Toes to Bar


3 Rounds

12 Hang Power Snatch

6 Burpee Box Jump Over


3 Rounds

20/16 Cal Row

10 Toes to Bar


3 Rounds

12 Hang Power Clean

6 Burpee Box Jump Over
Record time for each section

Cardio Thursday!!

Excited to see everyone work through this one today. You may adjust weight for the snatch portion and the clean portion. Obviously both need be cycled (thinking 75/55 for snatch and 95/65 – 115/75 for cleans).

Categories: WOD

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