30 August 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Push Jerk (4 x ME @90%)

Record number reps for each set

Follow Structure

4 Rounds

Minutes 0:00-2:00

Row x 350m/280m

Minutes 2:00-4:00

Push Jerk x ME (unbroken) @90%

**Based of 3-Rep**

(Goal: 3-6 Reps/Set)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)



Strict Pullups

Strict Handstand Push-ups
Record total reps completed

We will definitely see this piece again. Make sure to record score and be detailed with any notes.

Some possible options for scaling today:

1)Kip one movement

2)Kip both movements

3)Wall Walks x 3 each round and follow strict Pullup rep scheme

Categories: WOD

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