30 March 2022

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round

Mini Band Lateral Taps x 8/side

Pike w/Alt Toe Tap x 8/side

PVC Bench Tall Rockbacks x 8

Every 2:30 x 4 Rounds

Bike x :40

Half Kneeling DB OHP x 6/Arm


Strict Press (3-4 x 2 Building)

Record heaviest set

please make sure to input final set for today. It will be very important for upcoming weeks. Also make sure this is a quality set, training off of this number will not work towards the end of the cycle if you use a weight that you were unable to hold good position with.


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

5 Rounds

8 Burpees to Target

15 Wall Balls


Buy out: 20/15 Cal Bike
Record total time

This will be a shoulder burner for some and a quad burner for others. regardless, breathe through your burpees, and try to stay unbroken on wall balls, and once you get to the bike, push hard to the finish.

Categories: WOD

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