Karen Marginot

""I’m the spitting image of “if I can do it, anybody can!” Let’s get to work and live well.""

Karen Marginot

“I was never athletic–I had a lot of enthusiasm, not a lot of skill. Loose joints landed me years of injuries, everything from a broken collarbone to broken arms to knee and hip surgeries. One morning when I woke up at age 55, I thought to myself “wow, so this is how it feels to start aging.” Everything hurt, and the 70 pounds I’d gained since my hip went out weren’t helping.

A dear friend, active in the crossfit community, started encouraging me to try it out. He researched the boxes in my area and recommended CFNR, based on the onboarding program and the coaches backgrounds. Just about a year ago, I started. I could only manage a completely assisted box squat, pulling myself back up with a bar on the cage. But the coaches and athletes kept encouraging me to keep coming back and to focus on my own progress. Without their positive energy, acceptance, and motivation, I most certainly would have given up. The fear I felt was real, and I stared down years of negative thinking. But I started improving, slowly at first, and then making big gains. I’m now squatting unassisted (and with weight, too!), have lost over 20 pounds, and have a hunger for the workouts like nothing I’ve ever experienced. And I have new goals now: 10 pushups, 5 strict pullups, and a box jump by the end of the year. I’m excited, feel strong and confident, and my entire mental outlook is more positive and energetic. I’m the spitting image of “if I can do it, anybody can!” Let’s get to work and live well. Thank you, my dear CFNR fam! And look out, 57, here I come!

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