20 August 2020

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

:30 Calf Stretch

10 Pull Aparts


2 Rounds

10 Walking Lunges

10 Ring Rows (SLOW)


Metcon (Calories)

Every 5:00 x 6 (3/each block-Alternating)

Block 1:

400m Run

1:00 Farmers Carry (2 KBs)

Block 2:

1:30 Bike (easy pace-50%)

10 Rengade Rows (Single DB)
Record total calories accumulated on the bike

(Post KB and DB weight in notes)

Today is just a means to move. It’s been a great week, need everyone to come in and simply break a sweat today (along with some great upper back and abdominal work).

At Home Workout

Metcon (Time)

Minimal Equipment

3 Rounds:

200m Run

25 DB Floor Press

Rest 5:00

3 Rounds:

200m Run

25 Hand-Release Push-up

*Single arm Floor Presses are fine. In that case perform 25 each arm. Or if your db is too heavy for single arm, hold the db with 2 hands and perform 30 Floor Press Reps.

No Equipment

3 Rounds:

200m Run

25 Plank-to-Post

Rest 5:00

3 Rounds:

200m Run

25 Hand-Release Push-ups
Warm Up

3 Rounds

30 Shoulder Taps

10 Push Up to Downward dog

30 High Knees in Place

Categories: WOD

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